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Laser Version 1.02
January 19, 1987
Jack C. Weilandt
3 Chickatawbut Rd.
Framingham, MA 01701
Table Of Contents Page 01
Laser Version 1.02
Topic Page
----- ----
Introduction .......................................... 02
The Laser Command ..................................... 03
Theory Of Operation ................................... 04
The Menu System ....................................... 05
The Primary Menu ...................................... 06
The Advanced Menu ..................................... 08
The Ruler Menu ........................................ 10
The Help Screens ...................................... 12
The Intro Screen ...................................... 13
Registration .......................................... 14
Introduction Page 02
Laser Version 1.02
Laser is a general purpose processor to help you get the most out of
your HP LaserJet+ and LaserJet 500+ Printers. It is capable of
controlling the very simple operations of Page Eject, Margin Setting,
Etc., to the very complex operations of Downloading/Implementing
Fonts, and Ruler Forms Overlay. Laser will also function with the
plain vanilla HP LaserJet, but advanced function commands will be
ignored by the printer. Please refer to the HP LaserJet Technical
Reference Manual for a clear delineation of the capabilities of the
standard LaserJet verses the LaserJet+ Printers.
Program Requirements:
IBM Compatible Personal Computer
256K Bytes Memory Minimum
DOS 2.0 or Above
HP LaserJet+ Printer
Color Or Mono Monitor
The author is not responsible for any software or hardware malfunction
or any damage to your system or components. The author grants
the specific rights to copy and distribute this program and
documentation provided that no fees other than the cost of copying
and diskettes is charged, and that this program and documentation
are not modified in any way.
If you find this program to be of genuine use to you, please
remit $25 to:
Jack C. Weilandt
3 Chickatawbut Rd.
Framingham, MA 01701
This contribution policy deals with individual personal copies only.
Corporate and business licences for the Laser system should be
negotiated by contacting the author at the address above in writing.
HP and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
The Laser Command Page 03
Laser Version 1.02
Laser is invoked at the DOS prompt with the following command format:
Laser |File_Name|Help|?|
Laser is the name of the command and the only requirement
File_Name is an optional parameter that names a DataSet to
receive the output of Laser. LPT1: is the default.
This parameter is useful when composing large
rulers and overlays and you wish to store the
sequences. It is also useful for storing your
favorite setup strings which can be invoked at a
later time by using Laser's File Copy option or
at the DOS prompt using "COPY /B File_Name".
Please note that Laser will open the specified
File_Name as new, thereby overwriting the contents
of an existing DataSet or creating a new one.
Help or ? as the optional parameter will provide a short
description of the Laser Command and its possible
Theory Of Operation Page 04
Laser Version 1.02
Laser Version 1.02 writes its output directly to the attached printer
or DataSet if that option was chosen at invokation. Laser is not
capable of determining whether the printer option selected is valid
for the attached printer; it merely sends the selected options to the
output device and waits for the next selection. The HP LaserJet
family of printers will ignore any commands it does not recognize and
therefore a LaserJet+ command issued to a standard LaserJet will not
produce an error.
Some of Laser's advanced functions, such as selection of font types
will only function if the appropriate Font Cartridge (or SoftFont)
has been loaded. Please refer to the LaserJet reference manuals
for more information.
The HP LaserJet family of printers are commanded to perform special
functions by sending complex ESCape codes directly to the printer.
Laser knows the appropriate ESCape sequences for each of the special
functions. It knows when certain sequences need several ESCape codes
to accomplish a function and will guide the user through the entire
task. For example, to load and select a SoftFont, a FontID must be
chosen, the SoftFont location must be determined, the SoftFont
disposition must be set. Laser knows all of the steps necessary
and will not let you forget a step along the way.
The Menu System Page 05
Laser Version 1.02
The heart of Laser is its Full Function Pull-Down Menu System. At
entry, Laser will display the Primary Option Window. Moving the
left or right arrow keys will move the Pull-Down option window
in the direction of the arrow key. When an appropriate major
heading is arrived at, the up and down arrows are used to arrive
at an appropriate minor selection. Pressing the Enter/Return key at
this point will invoke the selected option. Its as simple as that!
When entry of some value is required, Laser will open a small window
in the left lower corner of the screen and await your entry.
Laser is controlled from three major menus:
Primary Menu: This menu controls the most simple and most
called for options of Laser such as selection
or Orientation, Style, Pitch, Etc.
Advanced Menu: This menu controls more complex functions such
as Graphics, File Printing, and SoftFont
Ruler Menu: This menu controls the most complex functions such
as setting up forms overlays, ruler patterns,
and virtual cursor control for page formatting.
The Primary Menu Page 06
Laser Version 1.02
Orientation -- controls whether the printer prints in normal fashion
or sideways.
Portrait -- prints in normal fashion
Landscape -- prints sideways
Symbol Set -- controls the type of characters/nationality that
the printer should use.
Roman-8 -- standard print-shop symbols
USASCII -- ASCII standard letter shapes
Roman Extended -- standard plus accented foreign letters
Danish -- Danish Characters
English UK -- Standard English Characters
French -- French Characters
German -- German Characters
Italian -- Italian Characters
Swedish -- Swedish Characters
Spanish -- Spanish Characters
Legal -- Legal Characters
Linedraw -- Special Line Drawing Character Set
Spacing -- Controls whether each character will take up the
same space or whether each character will be
placed proportional to its width.
Fixed -- Each character will be the same size
Proportional -- Characters will vary in size
Pitch -- Controls the number of characters per inch.
10 CPI -- 10 Characters Per Inch
12 CPI -- 12 Characters Per Inch
16.6 CPI -- 16.6 Characters Per Inch
Points -- Controls the height of the characters. Each Point
is approximately 1/72" in height.
7 Point -- Characters are 7/72" High
8 Point -- Characters are 8/72" High
8.5 Point -- Characters are 8.5/72" High
10 Point -- Characters are 10/72" High
12 Point -- Characters are 12/72" High
14.4 Point -- Characters are 14.4/72" High
Style -- Controls whether characters are straight up and
down or slanted.
Upright -- Characters are straight up and down
Italic -- Characters are slanted
The Primary Menu (Cont) Page 07
Laser Version 1.02
Weight -- Controls how dark the characters will appear on the
printed page.
Light -- Light printing
Medium -- Normal darkness of print
Bold -- Very heavy printing
Type -- Controls the shape of the printed characters.
Courier -- Standard print type
Line Printer -- Standard DP print type
Helv -- Typewriter standard
Times Roman -- Newspaper print type
Prest. Elite -- Very small fancy print type
Gothic -- Heavy print type
Miscellaneous -- Controls additional Primary Function options.
Info -- Displays program information window
Help -- Displays mini-help window
Advanced -- Brings up the Advanced Option Menu System
6 LPI -- Selects 6 Vertical lines per inch
8 LPI -- Selects 8 Vertical lines per inch
12 LPI -- Selects 12 Vertical lines per inch
60 LPP -- Selects 60 Lines per Page
66 LPP -- Selects 66 Lines per Page
80 LPP -- Selects 80 Lines per Page
88 LPP -- Selects 88 Lines per Page
Left Margin -- Selects the number of columns of left margin
Right Margin -- Selects the number of columns of right margin
Top Margin -- Selects the number of rows of top margin
Clr Margins -- Reset all margins to Power-Up Defaults
Exit -- Terminate Laser and return to DOS
The Advanced Menu Page 08
Laser Version 1.02
Graphics -- Controls the graphics print density in terms of
dots per inch.
075 Dots/Inch -- Low resolution graphics
100 Dots/Inch -- Medium resolution graphics
150 Dots/Inch -- Medium resolution graphics
300 Dots/Inch -- High resolution graphics
Copies -- Controls the number of copies the printer will
make for every page sent to it.
1 Copies -- Produces 1 Copies
2 Copies -- Produces 2 Copies
3 Copies -- Produces 3 Copies
4 Copies -- Produces 4 Copies
5 Copies -- Produces 5 Copies
10 Copies -- Produces 10 Copies
20 Copies -- Produces 20 Copies
xx Copies -- Produces xx Copies
Paper -- Controls special page oriented operations.
Eject Page -- Forces a hardware form feed
Feed From Tray -- Default setting
Manual Feed -- Accept paper from rear opening
Envelope Feed -- Accept envelope for printing
Vert Mot Index -- Overide Lines per Inch specifications
Display -- Controls how control codes are interpreted by the
Display On -- Display all data sent to printer; do not interpret
any sequance except Display Off
Display Off -- Interpret all control codes
Underline On -- Underline all data
Underline Off -- Default setting
The Advanced Menu (Cont) Page 09
Laser Version 1.02
Advanced Graphics -- Controls several advanced functions including
cursor retention, perforation disposition, and
access to the Ruler Menu.
Set Ruler -- Brings up the Ruler/Overlay Menu System
Push Cursor -- Causes the LaserJet to remember the cursor's
position until a Pop Cursor is performed
Pop Cursor -- Causes the LaserJet to restore the cursor's
position from a previous Push Cursor
Perf Skip -- Default Operation. Causes forced small top and
bottom margins so as not to write on the paper
Perf No-Skip -- Disables Perf Skip control and allows the printer
to write on the perforation if necessary
Miscellaneous -- Controls various functions for the Advanced Menu
Help -- Brings up the Advanced Menu System's Help Window
Primary -- Returns from the Advanced Menu to the Primary
Menu System
Reset -- Returns the HP LaserJet Printer to its power-up
status. This action will have different effects
depending on whether hardware cartridges are
loaded or not
Self Test -- Instructs the printer to perform a full Power-On
Self Test
Exit -- Terminates Laser and returns to DOS.
File -- Controls the Downloading of SoftFonts, Printing of
Files or saved command streams, and redirection of
print functions.
Redirect Print -- Allows the creation of a DataSet to receive all
output of the Laser System for the remainder of
the current session. This option is similar to
invoking Laser with the File_Name option. Note:
the DataSet selected will be created NEW. Selecting
an existing DataSet will cause it to be erased
before being written to.
Download HP Font -- Allows the user to Download a Hewlett-Packard
SoftFont such as 33412DA (Letter Gothic) and
assign its status.
Download Non-HP Font -- Allows the user to Download a Non Hewlett-
Packard SoftFont and assign its status.
Print a File -- Allows the user to print an ASCII file.
The Ruler Menu Page 10
Laser Version 1.02
Gray Scale -- Controls the graphics print density for rules and
overlays in terms of percent black to white.
002% -- 002% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
010% -- 010% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
015% -- 015% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
030% -- 030% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
045% -- 045% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
070% -- 070% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
090% -- 090% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
100% -- 100% Black Dots to White Dots Combination
HP Pattern -- Controls the 6 patterns that HP provides instead
of using solid ruled lines.
Vertical Lines -- A set of vertical lines are used to draw rather
than solid ruled lines
Horizontal Lines -- A set of horizontal lines are used to draw rather
than solid ruled lines
Diagonal Left -- A set of diagonal lines running from right to left
are used to draw rather than solid ruled lines
Diagonal Right -- A set of diagonal lines running from left to right
are used to draw rather than solid ruled lines
Grid -- A grid made up of horizontal and vertical lines
is used to draw rather than solid ruled lines
Diagonal Grid -- A grid made up of diag left and diag right lines
is used to draw rather than solid ruled lines
Print Pattern -- Causes the HP LaserJet+ to output the selected
pattern to the printer page image
Print Ruler -- A solid black ruler is drawn starting at the
current cursor position for the size and shape
defined by the Position sub-menu
Print Gray Scale -- A gray scale ruler is drawn starting at the
current cursor position for the size and shape
defined by the Position sub-menu
Print HP Pattern -- An HP Pattern ruler is drawn starting at the
current cursor position for the size and shape
defined by the Position sub-menu
The Ruler Menu (Cont) Page 11
Laser Version 1.02
Cursor -- Controls the location of the virtual print cursor
on the page.
Cursor Hor Dots -- Depending on the graphics dot density previously
selected, moves the cursor this many dots in the
horizontal direction
Cursor Hor Decs -- Moves the cursor in the horizontal direction this
number of Decipoints (a Decipoint is 1/72")
Cursor Hor Col -- Moves the cursor to the specified column
Cursor Ver Dots -- Depending on the graphics dot density previously
selected, moves the cursor this many dots in the
vertical direction
Cursor Ver Decs -- Moves the cursor in the vertical direction this
number of Decipoints (a Decipoint is 1/72")
Cursor Ver Row -- Moves the cursor to the specified row
Position -- Determines the shape of the rule/overlay to be
drawn. Note: the combination of Cursor and
Position determine one ruled area.
Ruler Hor Dots -- Depending on the graphics dot density previously
selected, sets the width of the ruler that many
Ruler Hor Decs -- Sets the width of the ruler the number of Decipoints
(1/72") selected
Ruler Hor Inches -- Sets the width of the ruler to be the number of
selected inches
Ruler Ver Dots -- Depending on the graphics dot density previously
selected, sets the height of the ruler that many
Ruler Ver Decs -- Sets the height of the ruler the number of Decipoints
(1/72") selected
Ruler Ver Inches -- Sets the height of the ruler to be the number of
selected inches
Miscellaneous -- Controls various functions for the Ruler Menu
Help -- Brings up the Ruler Menu System's Help Window
Advanced -- Returns to the Advanced Menu System from the
Ruler Menu System
Exit -- Terminates Laser and returns to DOS.
The Help Screens Page 12
Laser Version 1.02
Laser Version 1.02 provides a help window for each of the major menu
systems by selecting "Help" from the miscellaneous menu pick on each
of the three menus.
These mini-help windows are just a reminder of what each of the major
menu picks perform and are not at all a full help display. This
document in combination with the LaserJet Technical Reference Manual
provide the full help facility.
Future versions of Laser may include true context sensitive help if
the user demand warrents it.
The Intro Screen Page 13
Laser Version 1.02
The Intro Screen of Laser Version 1.02 provides a very brief
description of the capabilities of the Laser System, the ShareWare
nature of the product, the disclaimer, and the fee statement.
Registration Page 14
Laser Version 1.02
Construction of the Laser System has taken a significant amount of
time, blood, sweat, tears, and finally joy. It is a system that
will grow if there is significant user demand. The only way that
I will know the nature of that demand is for people to send in their
$25 donation or negotiate a corporate/business license. When and if
future releases of Laser become available depend upon the response
of the user community.
Checks should be made out to:
Jack C. Weilandt
3 Chickatawbut Rd.
Framingham, MA 01701
Comments, problems, inquiries, etc. should also be made in writing
to the address above. I can also be contacted electronically at:
Softline BBS or The Toolbox BBS
(617) 245-4909 (617) 364-2474